Available in 2024
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


This course extends intermediate macroeconomic theory and policy analysis to the advanced examination of both historical and contemporary issues in international macroeconomics.  Global economic interdependence means our lives – consumption, investment, labour market outcomes, policies, technology, and culture among other things, are constantly affected by economic developments in other countries. How is Australia affected by open macroeconomic events and how are other countries affected by Australia’s open macroeconomic activities and policies? The national and international macroeconomic aspects shaping current global interdependence are emphasised in this course. The impact of both domestic and international economic institutions and policy constraints on the conduct of policy, equity, integration of indigenous knowledge and culture into sustainable development are emphasised and illustrated by drawing on international case studies. Students will learn by accessing, analysing, and synthesising relevant open macroeconomic theories, policies, models, data and other information, and will continue to build sector specific skills.

Availability2024 Course Timetables

Newcastle City Precinct

  • Semester 1 - 2024

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Review information on the challenges and advantages of international economic interdependence from business and national performance;

2. Demonstrate a deep analytical understanding of concepts and models for international macroeconomic operation and policy analysis;

3. Access, analyse, evaluate and synthesise both quantitative and qualitative economic information pertinent to contemporary macroeconomic and labor markets debates internationally;

4. Participate in groups to analyse and communicate developments in international macroeconomic events both orally and in written form.


This course may include but is not limited to the following topics:

  1. Using appropriate international macroeconomic or open macroeconomic models, analysis of competing schools of macroeconomic thought and issues.   
  2. Debates in international macroeconomic theory and policy, including contemporary issues in fiscal and monetary policy, exchange rate arrangements and capital flows, and currency-financial crises.
  3. Transmission of global macroeconomic shocks and issues in domestic economy stabilisation after crisis.


Course Pre-Requisite:

Must have successfully completed the following course(s):


Assessment items

Quiz: Individual Online Quizzes

In Term Test: Mid Semester Test

Formal Examination: Final Exam

Contact hours

Semester 1 - 2024 - Newcastle City Precinct

  • Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per week(s) for 13 week(s) starting in week 1
  • Students are expected to complete 4 hours of guided learning via online preparation, lectures, interactive workshops, tutorials, discussion groups or self-directed learning and an additional 6 hours of independent study per week.

Course outline