Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


2000 level

Course handbook


This course provides an introduction to literary Modernism as an artistic movement that transformed literary production in Europe and the United States from the end of the nineteenth century and across the first half of the twentieth century. In response to the unsettling social, political, and cultural changes brought about by an era of 'modernity', writers sought to create art that would engage with and reflect these changes. Through the study of key Modernist texts (prose and poetry), students will learn about the diverse innovations in form, style, and subject matter characteristic of the movement. Works studied may be British, American, or both.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 2 - 2020.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Recognise and discuss features of Modernist literary texts;

2. Analyse and interpret a range of Modernist texts;

3. Explain how specific Modernist literary works reflect on social and artistic developments and concepts from the era;

4. Construct persuasive arguments, informed by existing scholarship, about the operations of Modernist literary works;

5. Communicate key literary concepts and findings in appropriate written forms.


The content of this course will focus on the study of key Modernist works (poetry and prose) written during the last decade of the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century. The exact texts and topics studied will vary from offering to offering


Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assumed knowledge

20 units of English & Writing courses at 1000 level

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Response to text (critical or creative)

Journal: Reading journal

Essay: Final comparative essay

Quiz: Short weekly class quizzes

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.