Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


Students in this course will explore contemporary creative writing practices and contexts, including new media literary cultures. The course aims to enable our graduates to become successful industry practitioners who are engaged with the broader emerging writers' community, locally, nationally and on-line. The course will also prepare students who wish to take an academic pathway to advance to honours and further study.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 2 - 2023.

Replacing course(s)

This course replaces the following course(s): ENGL3000. Students who have successfully completed ENGL3000 are not eligible to enrol in ENGL3014.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate awareness of contemporary debates and issues in Creative Writing;

2. Apply advanced interpretive skills to comprehension of contemporary practice in Creative Writing;

3. Conduct research independently, and to express clear and informed arguments, orally and in writing, on aspects of Creative Writing;

4. Apply practical skills learnt in Creative Writing to industry contexts.


This course will build on the critical and creative skills acquired in undergraduate Writing courses and students will be exposed to contemporary creative writing practices, texts, authors and events. The course will equip students with skills in producing and analysing forms of digital literature, and explore an expanded notion of the literary sphere, including on-line writing cultures. Students will also engage with and have the option to participate in, contemporary cultures of writing, publishing and criticism.


Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assessment items

Written Assignment: Review

Written Assignment: Multimedia

Proposal / Plan: Plan

Presentation: Podcast

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.