Available in 2024
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


Introduces students to the nature of research and how to start conducting research. Students work in small groups or individually to develop a research question and hypotheses in an organised and systematic format.The course is only offered Off Shore (externally) in Singapore.

Availability2024 Course Timetables

Singapore PSB

  • Trimester 2 - 2024 (Singapore)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the environment and human health;

2. Apply a knowledge of epidemiology to the review of routine environmental and occupational health data relating exposures to health outcomes;

3. Describe the various environments that can influence human health (eg, indoor and outdoor air, food, water.)

4. Discuss the basic steps in health risk assessment as it applies to the environment;

5. Appraise critically the environmental and occupational health literature;

6. Apply these skills and knowledge to case studies on the prevention and management of environmental health problems.

7. Defend choices made and processes used in research development.


The task for this course is for students to develop a research question.

Some of the work will be done by students in small groups. This will be supported by a limited range of lecture/seminar sessions covering:

  1. What is research?
  2. What is required in a research protocol?
  3. Review of research strategies
  4. Nomenclature of research
  5. Research ideas
  6. Literature review
  7. Study design
  8. Questionnaire design
  9. Ethics
  10. Measuring things
  11. Sample size

The lecturing staff will be available for student consultation in timetabled hours, by email or by appointment at other times.


Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety [11487]

Course may be taken by non-award students, eligibly criteria will be the same as admission criteria for the Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety.

Assessment items

In Term Test: Class Test

Written Assignment: Essay / Written Group Assignment

Formal Examination: Examination: Formal

Contact hours

Trimester 2 - 2024 (Singapore) - Singapore PSB

  • Face to Face On Campus 40 hour(s) per term
  • Contact hours are not regular or on a weekly basis, since delivery will take place on some week-ends and evenings, ie, there will be some intensive block teaching. Total face to face contact will be 36 -40 hours.

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.