Available in 2024
Course code



10 units


2000 level

Course handbook


The course examines a number of issues in philosophy of religion which came to the fore in the ancient, medieval, early modern, enlightenment, and later periods. Topics to be discussed may include proofs for the existence of God, various conceptions of transcendence, the nature of the self, the concept of religion, and the relation between religious and scientific forms of inquiry. Diverse philosophical movements will be explored such as Platonism, Aristotelianism, phenomenology, existentialism, and hermeneutics.

Availability2024 Course Timetables


  • Semester 1 - 2024

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Evaluate the main issues addressed and approaches taken by philosophers with respect to religion;

2. Apply critical skills to interact with these issues in their historical forms and assess their relevance to contemporary philosophical discussion of these matters;

3. Analyse the historical contexts that help generate but not exhaust the ways in which an issue can appear and reappear in the history of philosophy;

4. Demonstrate writing, research and information technology skills appropriate to studies of philosophy, religion, and the history of ideas.


Each week will focus on intepreting the texts, examining the philosophical issues, discussing how the historical context helps shape the issues, and indicating the contemporary relevance of the matters discussed. Thinkers to be considered may include Aurelius Augustine, Avicenna, Moses Maimonides, Anselm, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, Soren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud.


Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assessment items

Essay: Essay One

Essay: Essay Two

Online Learning Activity: Online Learning Task

Contact hours

Semester 1 - 2024 - Online

  • Online 2 hour(s) per week(s) for 12 week(s)

Course outline