Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


Gender and sexuality are two key elements that help determine social relations. As such an analytical study of these concepts is vital to an understanding of human society and culture. From a young age, we are constantly exposed to television and film which influences our understanding of gender and sexuality. This course examines how gender and sexuality are defined, represented and constructed by television and film, and how film and television may influence individual and societal understandings and expectations of gender and sexuality. The course will also take up questions of audience and spectatorship and ask students to engage with the critical discourses surrounding gender and sexuality in film and television. At the end of the course, students will, in consultation with the lecturer, develop their own unique project exploring gender and sexuality in screen texts.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 1 - 2023.

Replacing course(s)

This course replaces the following course(s): FMCS3900. Students who have successfully completed FMCS3900 are not eligible to enrol in SCRN3500.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Interrogate the socio-cultural and ideological contexts of how gender and sexuality are represented in film and television, historically and contemporarily.

2. Critically analyse, at an advanced level, gender and sexuality in film and television texts.

3. Evaluate critical discourses surrounding gender and sexuality in screen texts at a capstone level.

4. Articulate cohesive arguments that synthesise appropriate scholarship in written, oral and visual forms.


Course topics may include:

  • Intersectional approaches to understanding gender on screen
  • Masculinity and femininity on screen;
  • Norms of representing gender and sexuality in a variety of genres and what these say about socio-cultural attitudes;
  • Histories of representation of gender and sexualities onscreen;
  • LGBTQIA+ representation on screen;
  • Television and feminism.


Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assumed knowledge

80 units at 1000 level

Assessment items

Case Study / Problem Based Learning: Scene Analysis

Presentation: Vodcast

Project: Research-Based Feature Article

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.