Postgraduate fees and costs

Most postgraduate programs at the University of Newcastle are full fee-paying programs. However, you only pay for the postgraduate courses you take in the term that you attempt them, which means you don’t have to make an upfront financial commitment to the entire program.

Fees differ from program to program, and fees for individual courses can vary too, so please check the details of your specific postgraduate program by using the program handbook available on the degree’s dedicated webpage. You can access your chosen degree’s page from our postgraduate degrees page.

It's also a good idea to review both your programs' requirements and course availability before choosing your courses.

All course fees are reviewed annually with updated fee information made available to students prior to commencement of re-enrolment for the next calendar year. For a complete overview of Program Fees, current year coursework fees and associated conditions visit our postgraduate fee information page.

Application fee

It is free to complete an application for programs that offer direct entry through the University of Newcastle. A fee only applies for applications that must be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). This includes:

Fee-paying programs

Please make sure you review the information provided by the Student Fees and Scholarships office.

Fee-paying programs are degrees which do not have Commonwealth Supported Places.

Eligible domestic students can apply for an interest-free loan from the Australian Government through the FEE-HELP loan scheme. As per the arrangement with HECS-HELP, this means you only start paying your course fees once your salary is at the minimum level to start making payments.

Students must apply for FEE-HELP by submitting an electronic Commonwealth assistance form (eCAF) via the MyHub system at the time of enrolment. The submission of an eCAF is related specifically to a single program of study. Students must complete a new eCAF upon admission to any new program (including moving from a Graduate Certificate to a Masters, or readmission to a program in which you have previously been enrolled). The eCAF must be completed prior to census date in any relevant term. Failure to complete an eCAF will mean that you will be responsible to pay the tuition fees to the University.

More information on the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) can be found at the Study Assist website.

Non-award study

You can choose to study individual courses without enrolling into a degree, which is called non-award study. Non-award courses are not eligible for FEE-HELP and you must pay all tuition fees by the census date.

Visit our non-award study page for more information.

Commonwealth supported places

A number of our postgraduate programs offer Commonwealth supported places (CSP), which means eligible students will be charged at the Commonwealth supported rate of student contribution instead of as full fee-paying students. Eligible students can still defer their student contributions by accessing HELP.

Programs with CSPs are:

Degree nameFull fee-paying studentCommonwealth supported place
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology $12,360 $3,685
Graduate Certificate in Custodial Health $9,980 $2,617
Graduate Certificate in Education3 $11,230 $2,223
Graduate Certificate in Environmental & Business Management $14,230 $4,696
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management & Sustainability $12,995 $4,570
Graduate Certificate in Midwifery (Re-entry to Practice) $9,055 $2,223
Graduate Certificate in Public Health $12,675 $4,474
Graduate Certificate in Spatial Science $11,985 $4,147
Graduate Certificate in Workplace, Health & Safety$12,815$5,325
Graduate Diploma in Education3 $22,465 $4,445
Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary Education) $22,465 $6,668
Graduate Diploma in Spatial Science$27,380$9,147
Master of Architecture $34,890 $8,974
Master of Clinical Epidemiology $24,380 $7,019
Master of Clinical Medicine (Leadership and Management)$26,815$11,469
Master of Clinical Psychology1 $32,305 $4,445
Master of Custodial Health $19,920 $6,262
Master of Education3 $22,465 $4,445
Master of Environmental Management & Sustainability$27,720$10,169
Master of Mental Health Nursing $19,035 $4,886
Master of Midwifery (Graduate Entry) $19,035 $5,032
Master of Midwifery Studies$19,725$5,001
Master of Nursing $22,180 $4,972
Master of Professional Psychology1$32,305$4,445
Master of Public Health $25,350 $8,571
Master of Teaching (Primary) $22,465 $4,676
Master of Teaching (Secondary) $22,465 $4,445
Master of Traumatology2 $31,605 $11,401

1CSP Places are limited.

2CSP is only available to students who commencing in 2024 and are either enrolled in the Research Specialisation, or are enrolled in the Trauma Specialisation and are a Registered Nurse.

3CSP is only available to students who are commencing the Maths Teacher Retraining Program.

Note: Fees are an estimate for the length of the degree and may vary depending on course selections and the year in which courses are taken.

Learn more about postgraduate Commonwealth-supported student places.

Financing your studies

If your studies are related to your current work activities, out-of-pocket course fees may also be tax deductible. More information can be found on the Australian Taxation Office website.

The University also has a number of scholarships available to both domestic and international postgraduate students.

Postgraduate scholarships

Student Services and Amenities Fee

All students must pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) to assist with the funding of non-academic student services and amenities available to students of the University.

Students who want to take up the SA-HELP loan option to defer payment of their SSAF will need to complete a separate electronic Commonwealth assistance form (eCAF) as part of the enrolment process.

If the form is not submitted by census date, you will need to pay the fee upfront.

More information regarding SSAF can be found at the Students Services and Amenities Fee and Study Assist websites.

Postgrad Info Session - 18 June

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